Faculty Researchers

The Center's affiliated researchers represent more than a dozen departments and programs, including philosophy, history, English, political science, psychological science, electrical engineering, civil engineering, materials science, economics, technical communication, information systems and technology, chemistry, and biological sciences.  Please contact Dr. Kristine Swenson at kswenson@mst.edu if you would like to join the CSTS as an affiliated researcher.

Kathleen Sheppard

Director, Center for Science, Technology & Society Professor, History and Political Science

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Syed Alam

Assistant Professor, Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science

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Amy Belfi

Assistant Professor, Psychological Science

Research Interests

Music Cognition, Cognitive Neuroscience, Aging, Emotion, Memory, Esthetics

Rui (Ray) Bo

Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests

Large-scale power grid planning; Power grid operational efficiency and resilience; Power system computation, optimization and economics; High performance computing; Electricity market simulation and design


Joel Burken

Department Chair and Curators' Professor, Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Research interests

Phytoforensics, Phydiation and natural treatment systems, Biological wastewater treatment, Constructed wetlands, Green remediation

Devin Burns

Assistant Professor, Psychological Science

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Casey Canfield

Assistant Professor, Engineering Management & Systems Engineering

Research Interests

Socio-Technical Systems, Infrastructure Transitions, Decision Support, Public Interest Technology

Ryan Cheek

Assistant Professor, English & Technical Communication

Jessica Cundiff

Associate Professor, Psychological Science Director, S&T ADVANCE Program

Carleigh Davis

Assistant Professor, English & Tech Communication

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Kathryn Dolan

Associate Professor, English and Technical Communication

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Kate Drowne


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Hany El-Azab

Assistant Professor, Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

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Hanqing "Chevy" Fang

Assistant Professor, Business and Information Technology

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Beth Kania-Gosche

Professor and Chair, Education

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Mahelet Fikru

Associate Professor, Economics

Shannon Fogg

Professor, History and Political Science

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Amber Henslee

Associate Professor, Psychological Science

Research Interests

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Dr. Yue-Wern Huang

Professor, Biological Sciences, Associate Dean Reasearch & External Relations, College of Arts, Sciences & Education Director, Center for Biomedical Research

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Ana Ichim

Assistant Professor, Economics

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Irina Ivliyeva

Curator's Distinguished Teaching Professor of Russian & Chair, Arts Languages & Philosophy

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Alanna Krolikowski

Assistant Professor, History and Political Science

Research Interests

policy for science, technology, and innovation; transnational technology transfers; international trade in high-technology items; China; comparative innovation systems; policy for the aeronautic and space sectors

Clair Kueny

Chair, Associate Professor, Psychological Science Department Graduate Program Director, I-O Graduate Programs

Research Interests

Healthcare delivery and organizational processes (rural healthcare focus), Healthcare provider work experiences, Employee well-being, Employee interpersonal dynamics, Proactive and counterproductive work behaviors

Susan Murray

Professor and Chair, Psychological Science

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Dev Niyogi

Professor, Biological Sciences

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Kathryn Northcut

Professor, English and Technical Communication

Daniel B. Oerther

Professor, Environmental Health Engineering

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Monday Okoronkwo

Assistant Professor, Chemical & Biochemical Engineering

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Eun Soo Park

Associate Professor, Economics

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Jorge Porcel

Associate Professor, Arts, Languages, and Philosophy

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Dan Reardon

Associate Professor, English

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David Samson

Assistant Professor, Arts, Languages & Philosophy

Research interests

Music (Wind Symphony & Marching Band)

Rachel Schneider

Assistant Teaching Professor, English and Technical Communication

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Jeffrey Schramm

Associate Professor, History and Political Science

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Daniel Shank

Associate Professor, Psychological Science

Research Interests

 Social Psychology, Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Agents, Groups/Teams, Impressions, Interactions, Morality, Emotions

Ting Shen

Assistant Professor, Psychological Science

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Kristine Swenson

Professor and Chair, English and Technical Communication

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Thu Tran

Assistant Teaching Professor, English & Technical Communication

Robin Verble

Associate Professor, Biological Sciences

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Dave Westenberg

Professor, Biological Sciences, Faculty Athletics Representative

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David Wright

Associate Professor, English and Technical Communication

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Guirong (Grace) Yan

Assistant Professor, Structural Engineering

Research Interests

 Resilient infrastructure systems in multi-hazard environments, structural health monitoring,  structural damage detection, wireless sensor networks.


Yishu Zhou

Assistant Professor, Economics

Research Interests


Environmental and Energy Economics, Policy Studies


Debrina Weber

Administrative Assistant IV