The Futures of STS in Engineering and Polytechnic Universities

September 24, 2021

What does the future of STS look like in engineering and polytechnic universities? In such STEM-focused environments, where STS scholars often operate independently and without a central STS department or program, how can STS researchers maximize their impact on the education of undergraduate and graduate students, as well as on the original research conducted by (and often financially supported by) colleagues in engineering departments? How can STS researchers become indispensable to engineering and scientific research endeavors without being perceived as simply support personnel?  Assembling convergent research teams to tackle important social and scientific challenges is an acknowledged best practice, so how should STS researchers embrace convergent research endeavors in order to add value and lead inquiries into areas of new and developing knowledge? 

Please register for each panel individually by clicking on the registration links in the Symposium Program below.


Symposium Program